PGA is an ideal and time tested synthetic absorbable suture, widely used by surgeons all over the world.
PGA's superior features over catgut are predictable absorption, outstanding tensile strength, in-viva inertness and excellent handling properties.
Surcare PGA retains its original tensile strength until the wound has achieved adequate stability. A comparison of "development of wound strength" vis-a-vis in viva tensile strength of Surcare PGA establishes safety margin available during critical wound healing period.
The suture retains approx 96.1 % of the tensile strength after 7 days, 83.3% after 14 days, 53.8% of tensile strength after 21 days & 19.95% after 28 days when implanted in rat and the suture is essentially absorbed within 60 - 90 days.
Surcare PGA is coated with non-toxic and bio-compatible material called Polycaprolactone and Calcium-stearate which facilitates smooth passage through tissues.
Surcare PGA is absorbed in the body by a simple hydrolytic mechanism which is predictable and reliable.
Coated PolyglycolicAcid. Available in U.S. FDA approved Violet colour.